JanFebMarAprMayQ-TJunJulAugSepOctNovDec February 17, 2019 Succulents We have a variety of succulents available both as a cut and potted. Vicki Love2
A-DJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec May 1, 2012 Curly Willow We sell curly willow during the winter when it does not have foliage, but also… pearlsandpages Love0
JunJulAugU-ZSepOct May 1, 2012 Vitex Vitex flowers and seed heads can both be used in floral designs. Their flowers are… pearlsandpages Love0
Q-TJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Sunflowers We grow sunflowers in the greenhouse from January until the end of May, then the… Vicki Love0
Q-TSepOct May 1, 2012 Striped Toga Striped Toga is an ornamental eggplant, but the shape of this fruit is oval with… pearlsandpages Love0
SlideshowQ-TAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Salvia Our Salvia blooms during the short days in the fall. It is a striking purple… Vicki Love0
Q-TAugSepOctNov May 1, 2012 Rose Hips The flowers of rose hips are single and not very pretty, but the rose hipsĀ (the… pearlsandpages Love0
M-PSepOct May 1, 2012 Pumpkin on a Stick Just as the name implies, the fruit of this element is small, orange, pumpkin-shaped and… pearlsandpages Love0
M-PMayJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Privet Several parts of the privet can be used. The foliage with its green berries, and… pearlsandpages Love1
M-PAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Peppers Ornamental peppers range from conical to round to cone shapes, and come in a wide… pearlsandpages Love0