M-PMayJunJul May 1, 2012 Mountain Mint There is hardly greenery prettier than Mountain Mint. It holds well, and has a very… pearlsandpages Love0
M-PJunJulAug May 1, 2012 Monarda Also called Bee Balm, Monarda does attract honey bees and comes in reds, pinks, lavenders,… pearlsandpages Love0
M-PJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Millet (Limelight) Limelight millet has a longer head than other millet varieties, and is much more textured… pearlsandpages Love0
SlideshowM-PJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Millet (German) German millet adds a unique texture to any floral design and is ideal for that… pearlsandpages Love0
I-LJunJulAug May 1, 2012 Lobelia Lobelia is a great spike flower and it comes in a shocking blue and red.… pearlsandpages Love0
I-LMayJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Lisianthus It’s hard to beat lisianthus for use in anything. It lasts a very long time;… pearlsandpages Love0
JanFebMarI-LAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec May 1, 2012 Kale (Spring and Fall) We grow kale in the fall for all the Thanksgiving and fall arrangements, but we… pearlsandpages Love0
E-HJunJul May 1, 2012 Hydrangea (Limelight) We grow limelight hydrangeas because they are big, green, and can take the heat. They… pearlsandpages Love0
MarAprQ-TMayJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Thyme (Herb) Thyme is an herb that can be cut year-round and has a small white flower… pearlsandpages Love0
MarAprMayQ-TJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Rosemary (Herb) Rosemary foliage can be cut year-round and the bloom is insignificant. It is another great… pearlsandpages Love0