JanFebMarAprQ-TMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec February 17, 2019 Succulents We have a variety of succulents available both as a cut and potted. Vicki Love2
Q-TJunJulAugSep May 1, 2012 Rudbeckia A great flower to use to give that "wildflower" look to any arrangement. Vicki Love2
SlideshowMayJunU-Z May 1, 2012 Yarrow Bright colored flowers make yarrow a wonderful addition any design. (more…) Vicki Love0
Q-TJunJulAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Sunflowers We grow sunflowers in the greenhouse from January until the end of May, then the… Vicki Love0
JanAprQ-TDec May 1, 2012 Stock We grow the ‘Katz’ variety of stock which comes in many fantastic colors, and all… Vicki Love0
Q-TMayJun May 1, 2012 Scabiosa The seed head from this scabiosa is one-of-a-kind and offers an intricate texture to any… Vicki Love0
SlideshowQ-TAugSepOct May 1, 2012 Salvia Our Salvia blooms during the short days in the fall. It is a striking purple… Vicki Love0